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Adventure Program

Expand your horizon, challenge your spirit, and discover new experience

Vacation Deals

Nature Trekking (ADV-01) 1 day *

Observe nature wonders and phenomenon by walking along the paths or trails in national parks. Location option: Ujung Kulon (Banten), Halimun (West Java), Gede-Pangrango (West Java), Tangkuban Perahu (West Java), Merapi (Middle Java), Bromo-Tengger (East Java), Baluran (East Java), Bali Barat (Bali), Agung (Bali), or Rinjani (Lombok).

Starting IDR 250,000.00

(incl.: lunch, snack)

Mountain Biking (ADV-02) 1 day *

Biking in national parks, to tourism destinations, or even in metropolitan cities, the program will challenge your skill to find interesting spots. Location option: Tangkuban Perahu (West Java), Bandung (West Java), Jogyakarta (Middle Java), Bali Barat (Bali), Ubud (Bali), Candi Dasa (Bali), or Jakarta capital city of Indonesia.

Starting IDR 500,000.00

(incl.: mountain bike, lunch, snack)


Country Road (ADV-03) 2 days / 1 night **

Discover genuine rural nature by driving motorcycle specially designed for this journey. The challenge will become unforgettable experience. Location option: district of Bogor, Sukabumi, Cianjur, or Pandeglang (West Java).

Starting IDR 1,000,000.00

(incl.: trail motorcycle, mechanic, live in, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack)


Jeep Off-Road (ADV-04) 2 days / 1 night **

Driving a historical jeep, explore remote places and record unique phenomenon that limited people can do. Location option: Lampung, West Java, East Java, or Bali.

Starting IDR 750,000.00

(incl.: jeep, driver, live in, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack)

Whitewater Rafting (ADV-05) 1 day *

Raft across the rapids and see nature wonders along the river. Guided by certified, long-experienced, zero-accident operator, it would become interesting moment ever. Location option: West Java, Jogyakarta, or Bali.

Starting IDR 250,000.00

(incl.: rafting program, lunch, snack)

Sky Adventure (ADV-06) 1 day *

Various air activities provided both for beginner and experienced ones. Location: Lido Resort (West Java). Price is subject to type of activity and certain conditions. Please contact us for further details.


* Available only for participant above 12 years old.

** Available only for participant above 17 years old and have driving license.


Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

Tualang Adventure
Tel: (021) 7062-5741
Copyright - 2003-2006 - Tualang Adventure